Iranian Unity Plans With Leftist Leadership Fail

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In January 2003, before the announcement of manshoor81 (Charter 2003) I wrote the same thing that if the left becomes the leadership of any unity efforts it will fail. The Communist path which is the path of the left has failed miserably in the whole world to the point that they themselves do not stand up and call themselves communist anymore, then how do they expect their ideology in the background to be able to unit the Iranian opposition. They have the same problem as the Islamists who cannot come to grips with the reality that their path has ended miserably and try to save their religion by shutting the dissidents. Talking about Communism and its failures is not a guesswork anymore and is a fact. After the fall of the Soviet Block and the experiences of Vietnam and Far East, anyone with the slightest information of world politics knows about it, except the guards of the leftist religion who have been promoting cultural relativism all these years and are masters of making the political differences seem like personal fights rather than answering to the issues raised, and issues are raised no longer just by me, and their own former members who have turned monarchist and publish in Kayhan London and elsewhere are raising issues with them. There are people who are still alive and know about death threats by the Left to the ones like me who rejected the left. The left has been acting like a mafia in Iranian political circles and they think they can evade the discussion of real issues by calling the critics as CIA, monarchist, or MKO.

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